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Ferraz Fast Track

1500VDC Size 20x127 gRB Cylindrical Fuses

DC Rated Ferrule fuses designed to interrupt very high fault currents and are recommended for general purpose and semiconductor protection in DC Circuits.

[353 KB]
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  • Blown Fuse indicator striker
  • 20x127 ceramic cylindrical body

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  • AC: CC 1551 CP gRB - 0.8 to 5 Amps, 1000vdc at 100kA, L/R=100mSec, CC 1500 CP gRB - 0.8 to 5 Amps, 1000vdc 30kA, L/R=30mSec, CC 1500 CP gRD -6 to 25amps, 1500vdc at 30kA, L/R=55mSec, Full range D.C. operation