600V Class R
Ferraz Shawmut Fuse Reducers allow the use of lower rated fuses in existing equipment having clips with higher ampere ratings. The use of closer rated time-delay fuses can improve circuit protection. For example, renewable or one-time fuses feeding a motor can be replaced with fuses sized closer to the motor nameplate current. Non-ejection reducers will allow Class H, K or R fuses to fit Class H or K clips. Rejection-type reducers will allow only Class R fuses to fit Class R clips or only Class J fuses to fit Class J clips.
- 250V and 600V Class H, K, and R - UL Listed Guide No. IZZR, CSA Certified.
- 600V Class J - UL Listed Guide No. IZZR, CSA Certified
- 30-600A
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