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660-750VDC Square-Body Fuses Size 2x123

660 - 750 V DC
gRb - gRC - gRD from 1000 to 1600 A
Size 2x123


[356 KB]
[Not Available]


  • Blown Fuse indicator
  • Square ceramic body
  • Full range D.C. operation
  • Bladed and tapped versions standard

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  • AC: 1000 Amp
    750vdc at 100kA L/R = 100ms
    900vdc at 100kA L/R = 40ms

    1250 to 1500 Amp
    750vdc at 100kA L/R = 50ms

    1600 Amp
    660vdc at 100kA L/R=50ms
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